Alabama so far is grey but not too rainy. Grits and coffee are starting my day today and I feel really good about that. I love how everyone calls people 'baby' around here with that slow southern drawl.
"Hey Baby, you want some more coffee?"
"Yes, ma'am, thank you."
There are some things I miss about living in the south....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Posted by
brinki dink
Friday, November 23, 2007
Dear Nintendo
Please make a version of Guitar Hero for Nintendo 64. Also, please send me a huge high def television on which I can rock myself silly to Foghat. Thanks a bundle.
Your hero,
B. Rocka
Posted by
brinki dink
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Giving Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll! I have a million and one things to be thankful for today. Here are just a few:
- Waking-up to Sunshine
- Cooking
- My New Coat
- Cutie Clementines
- New Old Friends
- My Job
- My Sister and Her Hilarious Children
- Big Mountains
- Hilary Hahn
- Good Books
- Not Having to Watch Football
- Facials at Secret Fountain
- New Beginnings
- Airplanes
- Etudes
- Christmas Lights
- Craigslist
- Eucalyptus
- Brandi Carlile
- Winter Air
- Pretty Canadian Money
- Golden Owl Charms
- Medicine Cards
- Enchiladas and Dos Equis
- Unslutty Knee-high Boots
- Homemade Chicken Soup
- Swirling Leaves and Blue Skies
- Holding Hands while Hiking
- Brown Pants Girl
- My Bed
- Lobster Corn-dogs
- Gilgal Garden
- YottaMusic
- The Smell of Pine Needles
- Narcissus (the flower, not the god)
- Netflix
- Golden Eyeshadow
- My Pencil Cactus
- Love in the Time of Cholera (the book, not the movie)
- My Heart, Uplifted
Posted by
brinki dink
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Will Wonders Never Cease?
You know Biz Stone has been hard at work lately as Twitter just launched their new killer app, Foamee! Foamee allows you to track the people to whom you owe beers (and vice versa) using Twitter. This is a pretty neato thing if you're like me and you owe beers to lots of amazing, helpful people all over the country. Oh, and you can buy Foamee coasters and tee shirts. Foamee only works though if you Twitter!
I'll admit, I've been a negligent twitterer lately. My favorite mini-blog-messenger has been quiet lately as I'm been super busy and most of my Twitter friends have fallen off the Twitter map. I'm jumping back into the pool though!
If you're reading this and you don't Twitter yet, now is the perfect opportunity to join-up. This means you! It's fun, it's easy and you can get twitters directly messaged to your phone. Don't you want to know what I'm eating for dinner or what kind of creepy critter I just found in the back yard?
If you join-in, I'll owe you a beer.
Bottoms up!
Posted by
brinki dink
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Already, I am not able to posty post as I am supposed to for the contest. I'm not holding this against myself and so in my own mind, I'm still participating. Okay? OKAY?
I'm back in the states and grateful to be here. Quebec was so beautiful! Cibi, I was thinking of you and that gorgeous country you live in. People here say that Canada is a milder version of the US and actually, I have to disagree. Granted, I've only been to Montreal and Quebec, two very frenchie cities. I was really blown away by the preservation of historic buildings, the quaint restaurants and blustery weather.
I also found that my French isn't as horrible as I thought. Well, actually, it's pretty bad. But, I've got a decent accent and a great smile, both of which help me navigate foreign territory.
I was there for an academic conference which was like most of those thing; lots of time standing and talking to people, a little bit of time fending off scary academic romeos and even less time sleeping.
In other news, we had daylight savings! For me, living in Arizona where we have no daylight savings, this is a pretty awesome deal because we finally switch over to mountain time. I love mountain time. It means that I'm only 2 hours behind the east coast which makes for easier communication with the office and my family and a much better time dealing with east coast jet lag.
Even though I've already sabotaged my NaBloPoMo efforts, I'll still try to post more often this month so come back and visit moi.
Posted by
brinki dink
Friday, November 02, 2007
wine and cheese
My feet are hurting and I'm super tired from all the standing and chitchatting with interesting people. I'm beat but I've got to get ready for dinner with said interesting people and chitchat while eating more delicious food. You feel bad for me, don't you? Don't you?
Posted by
brinki dink
Thursday, November 01, 2007
NaBlo Me
Welcome to November! You know what that's National Blog Posting Month. This means I am going to try with all my might to post everyday. Crazy eh? Especially since I've posted nary a tidbit the last few weeks.
I think this will be just the impetus I need to give a little more love to my home on the internets. I'm currently in Canada, Quebec City to be exact. I'm sure there will be no shortage of stories, trying to navigate this beautiful though almost exclusively French-speaking city.
Posted by
brinki dink